Marko is a twin and he and his sister Linda were born in the 35th week by Caesarean section. His Apgar score after birth (9/10) gave no clue that he would really have to fight for his life. After birth, due to immature lungs he was placed in an incubator and his condition was critical.After one procedure he had damaged windpipe they had to introduce a tracheostomy, through which he breathed. They didn’t remove it for another three years.
Marko’s parents had no idea what the impact of insufficient oxygenation of the brain could be. While Marko had is cannula he made no sounds and didn’t cry. Marko’s overall psychomotor skills were behind those of his twin. The final diagnosis was hypotonic cerebral palsy.
“Before the birth of the children, I fortunately decided to store umbilical cord blood. The magazine MAMAAMA interested me with information on administration of stem cells from cord blood to children with cerebral palsy as part of a clinical study in Slovakia. I contacted Cord Blood Center, where our children’s cord blood is stored”
said Marko’s mother.
Considering the fact that the childhood autism had been added to Marko’s diagnosis, the criteria of the study did not allow the administration of stem cells within the above-mentioned study. The parents did not give in and through the Ministry of Health they obtained an exception for administration. Marko got his stem cells in 2015.
The first effect occurred after two months. Marko was out of diapers overnight. He began to use a spoon more skilfully, eat alone and hold a pencil. After half a year from administration he learned to ride a tricycle. He has improved his understanding, communicates using gestures and signs and is also trying words. He observes his surroundings significantly more and can dress and undress himself. In his progress he has been greatly helped by his twin sister Linda, who includes him in games and other movement or sports activities.
“I do not need the results of the study, as a mother I feel and I see day-to-day progress after administration. We are grateful that Marko has the chance to have a more fulfilling life and it has helped him.”